首页 › 停电和安全 › 安全信息 › 树木、安全和电力可靠性 › 树木、安全和电力可靠性:常见问题
树木怎么会影响我的力量?树木会影响业务可靠性,中断客户供电. 在最坏的情况下, heavy snowfall or strong winds can cause trees to knock down power lines or break poles.
让树木远离我们的防线, we hire qualified line-clearing contractors to prune trees on a regular maintenance cycle.
树木和电线周围是否存在安全问题?大多数线路都没有绝缘. 它们是裸露的电线. A tree or limb that grows into or falls across two wires on the pole can create a path for electricity. 当这种情况发生时,防护设备通常会关闭线路.
You should never climb or prune trees near power lines because you or your equipment could contact an energized line. 如果一个人接触通电的电线,可能会造成严重的伤害甚至死亡.
我的树没有造成任何停电. 你为什么要修剪或移除它们?hg8868皇冠下载 clears vegetation from around power lines before trees and brush are close enough to cause outages. 这种方法有助于我们保持安全、可靠的电力供应.
What if there’s a problem with a tree affecting the service wire that runs from the power pole to my house?Pruning trees away from a service wire (see example pictures below) is not part of our routine line clearing maintenance.
However, we caution all homeowners to take care when pruning any vegetation near power equipment. 只有受过训练的专业人员才能修剪电线周围的树木. 离架空电线至少10英尺远,如有需要,请与皇冠现金盘公司联系.
如果一个靠近服务线路的分支被确定为有问题, we can de-energize the power line during normal business hours at no charge so the customer can make the necessary prunes.
Will I be notified before a tree crew comes to clear lines in my yard or neighborhood?We leave door hangers on each customer’s door before crews arrive for routine maintenance work scheduled for the area. 我们无法在紧急情况下提供事先通知.
什么时候修剪树木最好?Most professionals recommend extensive pruning in the dormant season (during winter, 当树木不再生长). 轻微的修剪可以在一年中的任何时候发生.
皇冠现金盘公司何时以及多久清理一次我所在地区的线路?We employ a systematic approach to maintaining our more than 20,000 miles of overhead power lines. Depending on the conditions on a given line, our maintenance cycle is between three and six years.
我的树会被砍掉多少?每棵树都是不同的,必须单独考虑. Trees with trunks close to power lines require much heavier pruning than trees that are farther from the line.
Some techniques that are appropriate on hardwood trees cannot be used on some softwood species. 当修剪, our experts make every effort to provide enough clearance for the tree to remain safe until the next time it is pruned.
看到 示例清除技术.
爱达荷州电力公司是“圆”树还是“形”树?我们不会把树“绕”过来,因为这对树木的健康不好. We follow the ANSI A300 tree pruning standard and use a method of pruning called directional pruning. This method is endorsed by many in the tree-care industry as the best technique for the health of the tree.
Directional pruning removes each limb where it joins another limb or at the trunk. 这个过程不同于“四舍五入”的树, 四肢被随机切断的地方, 通常会留下不健康的“短”切口.
Directional pruning involves cutting a limb back to another limb so future growth is directed away from power lines. 用定向技术, 树木生长对公共安全和电力服务的影响最小.
清线员是否受过专业训练?是的. Each crew has at least one certified arborist or person who has completed an advance course in arboricultural training. 区域主管, hg8868皇冠下载 utility arborists and staff notifying customers in advance about line clearing are all certified arborists.
在我的物业上清理线路要收费吗?The cost of managing the natural growth around power lines is part of the prices approved by the public utility commissions in Idaho and Oregon for providing power. 没有单独收费.
我可以自己清线吗?只有受过训练的专业人员才能修剪电线周围的树木. Serious injuries and even fatalities have occurred when untrained people do this work themselves.
请 在线联系我们 或者打电话给我们 208-388-2323 从宝藏谷地区或 1-800-488-6151 for an evaluation of the trees and vegetation around power lines prior to any removals.
What types of trees or plants should be planted near transformers and power lines?If vegetation is needed under power lines, trees with a mature height of less than 25 feet are best. Avoid planting shrubs near padmounted transformers (the green boxes you sometimes see in neighborhoods). Transformer maintenance work requires 10 feet of clearance in front and 2 feet on the sides and back.
皇冠现金盘公司是否负责清理线路后的清理工作?Our policy is to chip any small limbs, branches and brush from landscaped settings. hg8868皇冠下载 will haul this material away or leave the mulch with the property owner at their request. Any wood larger than four inches in diameter is cut into manageable lengths for the property owner. 枯木不能削,只能留在地上.
In non-landscaped sites, pruned vegetation and wood is left in place to biodegrade.
当恶劣天气导致树木或其他植被倒在电线上时, 造成停电, 我们砍了树,刷了刷子,这样电线杆和电线就可以更换和重新通电了. 木材的处理, limbs or debris resulting from this type of emergency operation is the property owner’s responsibility.
你需要我的许可才能在我的土地上划线吗?皇冠现金盘公司有地役权可以让我们维护我们的线路. 而我们不需要许可就可以修剪, we notify our customers via door hangers when access to their trees or property is necessary for the safety and reliability of our power lines. 我们无法在紧急情况下提供事先通知.
如果我拒绝访问我的属性/树会发生什么?皇冠现金盘公司有义务保持线路畅通以保证供电安全, 给社会和我们的客户提供可靠的动力. 最后,我们可以诉诸法律手段.
我可以让我自己的树木修剪服务而不是皇冠现金盘公司来做这项工作吗?No. 只有经过专门训练的专业人员才能在距离电线10英尺的范围内工作, 而许多修剪树木的公司并没有这样的专业人员. hg8868皇冠下载 clears lines at no cost to the customer, and we try to make it as convenient as possible.
你会修理修剪留下的伤口吗?No. Repairing cuts has been found to be ineffective for slowing growth or preventing disease.
修剪后的覆盖物或碎片可以留给主人吗?是的,应顾客的要求. 这些薯片没有经过消毒,可能含有荆棘、树枝或杀虫剂.
你会清理电信和有线电视线路的分支吗?No. It is the responsibility of the phone and cable utilities to prune trees or vegetation around their lines.
如果我的树在修剪后死了怎么办?如果很明显是修剪杀死了这棵树, hg8868皇冠下载 will cut it to a stump and provide the customer a voucher to replace the tree.
你为什么不把你的架空线路移到地下?hg8868皇冠下载 usually installs power lines above ground (also called overhead lines). 这是最划算的选择. 对客户来说,在地下安装电线的成本通常过高, but hg8868皇冠下载 is willing to relocate overhead lines to underground if a customer is willing to pay the cost.
联系皇冠现金盘公司 估计一下价格.