

可靠的, 负担得起的, 清洁水电对爱达荷州电力公司至关重要, 我们的客户, 以及该地区的经济.

The three dams that make up the Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) — Brownlee, Oxbow and Hells Canyon — account for about 70% of hg8868皇冠下载’s hydro generation.

这些水坝建于上世纪五六十年代, and the federal license required to operate them has expired. hg8868皇冠下载 is working with state and federal agencies, Tribes and others to establish the terms of a new long-term license. Once it is granted by the Federal 能源 Regulatory Commission (FERC), the license will guide our operations as well as our environmental and recreational programs, which are the cornerstones of our stewardship of the Snake River.

直到颁发新的许可证, hg8868皇冠下载 operates the HCC on an annual license under the terms and conditions of the prior license. All of these facilities operate under the same license (No. 1971年).



原来的许可证于2005年7月到期. hg8868皇冠下载 applied to FERC for a new license on July 21, 2003. FERC issued a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the project in 2007. 从那时起, we have worked with the states of Oregon and Idaho to receive water-quality certifications required to obtain a the new FERC license. 这些认证于2019年5月获得.

6月13日, 2022, FERC issued a Notice of Intent to prepare a draft and final supplemental EIS for the Hells Canyon Hydro Project in accordance with the National 环境al Policy Act. The supplemental EIS will describe and evaluate the effects of the Project as proposed by hg8868皇冠下载, 还有其他选择. The draft supplemental EIS will be sent to all persons and entities on FERC’s service and mailing lists for the Hells Canyon Project. Recipients will then have 60 days to review the draft supplemental EIS and file written comments with FERC.

截至2024年4月, hg8868皇冠下载 was awaiting FERC’s updated timeline for issuing the draft supplemental EIS for public review.

The final supplemental EIS is targeted to be complete in November 2024, which would put hg8868皇冠下载 on track to receive a new long-term license as early as 2025.



hg8868皇冠下载 recognizes its unique responsibility as a steward of the Snake River. We embrace that role through a number of measures that were included in the original HCC license in addition to commitments we have already made in anticipation of the next one. 其中一些包括:

  • 研究和支持本地鱼类种群
  • Enhancing and maintaining thousands of acres of wildlife habitat
  • 保护历史文化资源
  • 提供娱乐机会
  • 改善蛇河水质



As part of our commitment to improving water quality in the river upstream from the HCC, 我们开展了以下工作. We expect requirements for this work to continue with the new license.



We expand seasonal floodplains around river islands to create a narrower, 更深的河道增加了水流速度. That keeps the riverbed cleaner and reduces solar heating.



与当地土地所有者合作, we restore streambanks and plant thousands of native trees and shrubs along key tributaries, 添加阴影, 减少水土流失,改善生境.



We work with farmers and irrigation districts to convert flood and furrow irrigation to sprinklers. This uses water more efficiently and yields more crops while reducing the amount of runoff entering the Snake River.



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